Monday, April 19, 2010

An Open Letter to the Members of the Tea Party and Militia Movements:

Just Joined Up? Welcome to the New KKK

By An American Philosopher
April 19, 2010

It may come as a surprise to many people, and even some in the Tea Party and Militia movements, but the positions advocated by these groups are identical with the positions once held by the old KKK. At one time in American history the Ku Klux Klan was a very active political force and counted millions of members within their ranks. The Tea Party and the militia movements are following in their footsteps. Welcome to the new KKK - upgraded with radio and television talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck; featuring performances by good lookin,’ fast talkin' gals like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman. Nonetheless, the talking points are the same for these new organizations as they were for the members of the old KKK.

All these groups maintain that we are living in a nation in decline, that traditional values are being eroded. These groups believe that people outside of their own narrow experience are threats to their time honored and cherished traditions. They all believe that they are defending their rights against an onslaught of immigrants, minorities, and those who hold other religious beliefs. They all share a fundamentalist value system and believe that their version of white conservative Christianity is the only proper view and that it is the chosen system of beliefs to govern everyone else. These groups do not like the beliefs of, nor association with, anyone else outside of their white, strict, conservative Christian bunker of beliefs.

None of these groups advocate ideas of equality - of equal rights, civil rights, or equal opportunity. They all oppose immigration and the upward mobility of ethnic groups other than their own. They also are particularly harsh towards the rights and welfare of the working class, the poor and those otherwise disadvantaged; preferring to protect their own rights as they see them.

These "victims of change" in the United States all hold an amazingly consistent belief system. The old KKK, the Tea Party, and the Militia movements all are anti federal government and pro states rights, favoring local government. They do not want any regulatory oversight of their own practices. They are all anti black and anti minority while supporting what is called “white power.” If you question this, just look at the absence of minorities in their membership demographics. Their beliefs send the message that minorities are not welcome by the absence of policy positions favorable to minority groups, women, immigrants, and those who hold religious beliefs other than their own. These groups are anti Jewish, anti Catholic, anti Muslim, etc., and are pro Right Wing Christian. They are anti-liberal and pro conservative. They are anti gun control and pro gun. They are against women's rights and equal rights. They are pro white male rights and are anti choice. These groups are anti immigration and prefer to support the rights of those who already hold property over those who don’t.

From the above description of the shared positions of the old KKK, the Tea Party and the Militia movements, is there any question remaining as to the recent re-incarnation of the old KKK? All one has to do is look at their publicly stated positions and it is clear as day. Don't be fooled by their modern window dressing. The rhetoric is the same, the hatred is the same, and the political positions are the same. The only things missing are the burning crosses and the flowing robes. So if you are in the Tea Party or a militia and don't agree with these positions - and maybe didn't realize what you were getting yourself into - recognize that you have joined the new KKK - then GET OUT!

Copyright 2010 B.E. Foley


  1. MY GOD the Ignorance of some people on American History.

    Ok..lets see if we can teach you a quick history lesson.
    When the Democrat Party formed the KKK as its militia wing of the party it was mean to keep blacks from their independence, It was to deprive them of Individal rights they later marched for and won.
    Now.. The TEA PARTY stands for those Individual rights.. It stands for a Hands off govenrment that can't tell individuals what to do. It stands against the spending that has created a 16 trillion debt. and the 1.6 trillion deficits. NOW TELL ME..WHY ARE YOU AGAINST THESE THINGS? If you are not against them..I GUESS YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE KKK TEA PARTY MEMBERS YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.. and if you are for them..Please explain why?

  2. So tell me..WHEN IN HISTORY did the KKK, Fascist, Communist, Socialist, Marxist ever stand for a weak Central government with limited powers and a Hands off government like the Tea Party is fighting for?
